Welcome to Season 3 of the Arias Adventures here on Party Advantage! The Ram Pack make their way back to Vivandi to report to the Raven Council and ask for help in searching for Toguro's mom. Roisin gets to experience flying for the first time, Toguro gi...
Welcome to Season 3 of the Arias Adventures here on Party Advantage! The Ram Pack make their way back to Vivandi to report to the Raven Council and ask for help in searching for Toguro's mom. Roisin gets to experience flying for the first time, Toguro gives a haircut, and Feyora is afraid of heights!
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Check out 5E Homebrew creator, Nim ToastHaster on Twitter, Discord, DMs Guild, and Patreon!Campaign, Audio, & Music by Cassie DerbyAudio Editing by Kyle Voisine